Sunday, July 12, 2009

The New House....come on by...bring your own oven!

In case you were wondering (which I'm sure you weren't) what our new place looks like here's a little look. If you're too busy to come on by this way just go ahead & send us a nice housewarming gift like....oh, say.......a lawn mower......air cons & maybe an tandoori oven. (Yeah, didn't think I heard that you've got one, did you?!!)

These pics are as random as they come, so breeze through & then go along your way, oh faithful follower!!

The vines on the porch are blooming. (Dunno the names of these) but they sure are purrty.

Some are doing school....some are on an early vaca!

Our cute little porch & the 1/2 of the yard that is still in "God's Hands"!

Yikes, how'd this one get in here?

I suppose this depicts the consistency of children, they will get in trouble no matter where they live. Miss #2 snapped a pic of poor Mr#6 when she followed the screams, evidently he got himself stuck in a box in DH's office somehow or another.

Ready to feed an come on by! Near table is for school, far table is for dining. Kitchen to the far left

This is the part of the kitchen I'm most pleased with.....if I had it my way a kitchen should be covered from ceiling to floor with hooks & shelves so it would look like the "bag lady" came to stay in your kitchen forever & ever.

Drowning the herbs with care!

Finally a big enough bedroom to turn into a proper railroad.

And so ends my measly photos!

PS. Still waitin' for your foodie suggestions, so......come on now!


Lil said...

nice setup! I like how you separate food/school table - the house also looks nice and spacious! can imagine how pretty the yard will start shaping up over the years...

I'm wondering what you cook on regular days (or maybe these were all regular days so far) as in those times when you have 5 minutes for lunch and you have to fit in veggies and the kids have to like it. What's a quick toss up that's yum that I can try when say mid work (something along the lines of cheese toast but with the gourmet twist you have and with the use of veggies!)

Kari said...

The yard looks fabulous Al'! Do you have "before and after" shots you can put up? You have to let everyone know how much work you've put into it. :)

Aich said...

It was great visitng you today. Great telling Alysha we only live half and hour away (that is, minus the stopover at offhouse) so we can visit again and again.

Nina said...

That pic of Hunny-in-a-box is such a scream! Good photo, Ash! Of course you helped your brother out of his plight right after that ...right? :) I love you!