Friday, November 28, 2008 be Thankful forrrrr!

People are asking me what I did for Thanksgiving dinner and I must be honest & say that we didn't do Thanksgiving in the conventional way. I got to do what I considered to be a simple yummy dinner for a freezing cold November night.
Now if you get it you get it & if you don't you don't but don't knock nabe-ryori or kimchi, OK? I'm sorry Mr. Kimchi, or whoever I stole this picture from on google, but I didn't take a picture of mine. I was too busy dishing it up & stuffing myself. But I'm telling you, nothings better than your food bubbling away at the table where all you have to do is grab a pair of chopsticks & serve it up.

I guess, I don't feel like I'd have the energy to pull off two big dinners in the course of a month. Besides, which one is supposed to be the one that you go "all out" for? I never did understand the difference between dishes you eat on Thanksgiving & dishes you eat at Christmas? Aren't they the same? Does any one have answers for me? This is a topic that has always plauged me.
Well, in any case this is my awkward thanksgiving post & now that that's out of the way we can move on to Christmas. :)
Stay warm & cozy, Good night!
P.S. Cookie posts coming at you, soon. Prepare a glass of milk!!


Nina said...

Sukiyaki daisuki! I'd hv that for Thanksgiving any year!

Crazy People said...

Mmm I love that. It never gets cold enough to truly enjoy, that sort of food.

Aren't you suppossed to have turkey at Thanksgiving and Ham at Christmas?

I think that's the main diffrence, but we don't really have it here so I don't know.