Let's just say someone did not turn the burner off.
Well just thought I should share. In case your wondering......sadly, it was edible enough for us to have to consume. It was like eating horrible-burnt-curry-humble-pie. -- And yeah, I was about as thrilled as I looked in the picture that I had one of my girls take. Just for you! Cuz' it's important that you know that I can burn it like a pro. :)
Well, gotta run, meals to burn, kids to chase.
Snicker snicker. That photo brightened my morning. :-)
bwahahahahhahha sorry, I don't usually burn my curries, i burn my rice.
I love it! It's odd but true, failure can be just as inspiring as success. "I can burn it like a pro," heehee!
One thing I wondered: is Jp curry really that bad for u?
But, that's such a victory pose Al.
You sure are a good sport when failing!!!
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