Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Just thought I should share......yeah! So that's curry! What am I saying....that WAS curry a LONG LONG time ago. Just when you think you have all your bases covered & you've slapped together the best "cheat" meal ever (Japanese curry) so you can take the kids out to play. Just for the record "Curry" (that comes in blocks) is made in this house about as frequently as we go to McDonalds ---- only when absolutely necessary.

Let's just say someone did not turn the burner off.

Well just thought I should share. In case your wondering......sadly, it was edible enough for us to have to consume. It was like eating horrible-burnt-curry-humble-pie. -- And yeah, I was about as thrilled as I looked in the picture that I had one of my girls take. Just for you! Cuz' it's important that you know that I can burn it like a pro. :)

Well, gotta run, meals to burn, kids to chase.


Kari said...

Snicker snicker. That photo brightened my morning. :-)

Rhyden said...

bwahahahahhahha sorry, I don't usually burn my curries, i burn my rice.

Nina said...

I love it! It's odd but true, failure can be just as inspiring as success. "I can burn it like a pro," heehee!

One thing I wondered: is Jp curry really that bad for u?

Y.M.R said...

But, that's such a victory pose Al.
You sure are a good sport when failing!!!