......as chosen by a 3 year old in her Boots the Monkey PJ's (you can thank her later)...
So....happy day. Hope you enjoy your coffee beans. Send me your address & I'll send you the coffee beans tomorrow. Ground for paper coffee filter/mild blend/Guatemalan beans!
(PS. I'm sure Joan is thanking you right about now, eh, Joan?) :)
Ooh, good for Mary! Erika looks cute... :)
I was totally going to go for the coffee, but then I realized I am such a coffee Philistine. Those questions about dark and light blends and grinders...man I'm still trying to realize the difference in the taste of instant coffee versus drip. I'd feel so bad having such good coffee go to waste on such an unrefined palate.
Oh wow, thank you. I'm gonna feel like a real coffee drinker now, I guess I'm going to have to buy some coffee filters (gasp). haha. Thanks!
Chiba-ken, Tateyama-shi, Kanamari 4359-94
Mary is a disaster when she's pregnant. I have to hide my coffee and cake from her. Now...me trying to steal this coffee your sending her is gonna take some skill.
Oh lordie, how am I gonna do this?
Oooh, sorry Mary, the Coffee store was closed today, But my DH will try again next week. :)
FLO-JO.....you should have you really should....sigh, next give away will have to be something particularly sneaky to get your attention. :)
Kuzkuz got bangs!!! I WANNA SEE YOU ALL, AL! It's been waaay too long!
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