Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Winter Carrots: Carrot Ginger Soup

A few weeks ago I shared this great carrot soup recipe with you and extolled the virtues of winter carrots. Which (I am not joking) my 5 year old boy is peeling one for his snack as I blog.
That one was simple & something you would most definitely eat with a Japanese meal, a favorite with my kids.

I found this Carrot soup recipe & the picture was so great I had to try it. But looking at that 1/4 c of fresh ginger sorta freaked me out so I adjusted it out a bit AKA: throwing all caution to the wind & acting like I was following a recipe. Obviously, I was surprised at how much my DH liked it. I thought it had a more gentle feminine like blend of flavors but, brother.....I received a series of many happy variations of the "Grunt of Approval" from my DH.

Come on ladies, you know what I'm talking about, the "Grunt of Approval" is the true proof of culinary success with the man in your life. Try it & see, set before your man his favorite meal or snackie & then pretend like you're busy on the computer or something, guaranteed you'll hear a "Rrrrmmmph". Hey, throw in his favorite beer & you'll hear that extreme rumble of approval from the depths of his.....soul! (or somewhere??). Aaaaaanyway, enough about that. Here's the recipe of which I speak.

I halved the recipe & adjusted it & this is how it went for me:

3 tbsps butter
1/2 onion, chopped
1 tbsp grated fresh ginger
1 clove garlic, minced
3 cups chicken stock & 1 c milk
1/4 cup cheapo white wine
200g (5 small) carrots, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1 tsp lemon juice

pinch curry powder & nutmeg (and by "pinch" I do mean, a pinch)
salt to taste
fresh ground black pepper to taste

heavy cream
snipped ko-negi

Saute the onion, garlic & ginger in butter on low heat for 10-15 min. Bring the carrots to a boil in the chicken stock & wine & boil for 20-30 min till the carrots are very tender.

I added the onion/ginger/garlic to the stock & blended it in my handy dandy blender of science. And then added the cup of milk. And seasoned with a curry powder & nutmeg & salt & pepper & lemon.

The taste is hard to place but the the sweetness of the carrots was contrasted nicely by the very slight tang from the wine & lemon. Personally I thought it was pretty classy looking & mysterious enough to keep your table talking about what the ingr. were.

NEXT UP: Carrot related explosion. (I can't help but was pretty darn funny

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