Believe it or not my modern friendly followers, stock making consists of more than simply dropping a cube of bullion into a pot of boiling water. For shame! Of course I'm dreadfully guilty of doing this! But the difference between using bullion or even canned broth is equivalent of using margarine instead of butter, powdered milk instead of fresh or, God Forbid, freeze-dried mashed potato flakes instead of doing it yourself. EWWWWWWW!!!
If you're a long-time reader you might remember my midevial chicken salad in which I made a fantastic stock to to boil down 2 whole chickens & then soak them in a citrus & spiced vinaigrette for a day to make an unbelievable chicken salad. I agree those were rather elaborate preparations for a chicken salad that I only got to nibble on, but I felt like a winner taking home roughly a gallon of superb chicken stock. So, lets talk about the basics of soup stocks.
Basically what you're looking for is a base to build the rest of your soup flavors on. And for the most part using chicken in your stock is a pretty safe flavor for any soup including heavier stews if you're inclined. Or if you're a vegan then you can even make yourself a veggie broth easily too.
Next you're gonna add veggies. Some of the basics you want to add are onion, carrot, celery. Garlic, of course; but go easy on garlic cuz' you don't want to overpower it. Chop everything roughly.
- 2 onions
- 3-4 carrots
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 3-4 sticks of celery (leaves & all)
Now if you're making a vegetable broth you can really rock out with the vegetables & you'll want to use a LOT because the flavors are much more soft & subtle in flavor than chicken. Carrots give your stock a sweet flavor so be sure to add them. Soup stock is a great way to use older veggies that you wouldn't want to put upfront but they still have some "life" left. Don't be afraid to use negi too, the "Japanese" taste blends away into the stock nicely.
- about 10-20 whole black peppercorns
- 3-4 bay leaves
- if you have fresh herbs you can get real groovy & make a little bouquet de garni & tie it all up with some string to keep the bits & peices from falling off. I use about 6 or 7 sprigs of each herb. Herbs like: thyme, rosemary, Italian parsley, & oregano are standard. Fresh basil will go better if you add it at the very end of your simmering as if you put it in at the beginning you'll loose a lot of the flavor.
- If you're using dried herbs go easy as they can be overpowering. A tsp. here & there.
A few little extra tricks I like to do are:
- adding white wine (about 1 c or so)
- if you have any Parmesan rind (you know, the hard part that only guests who've drunk too much will attempt to eat from your fridge). Drop a slice in. I think that adds and incredibly romantic aroma to the stock & the times I've gotten rave reviews for a soup (yes, it has happened) have been when I added a Parmesan rind.
- I like to add salt at the end and not too much roughly (and I'm just estimating here) 1 1/2 tsp. I'd flavor it later when I'm making the actual soup.
So of course to finish up, after it's cooled off you'll need to strain it & store it. I save old ice-cream containers or sturdy zip-lock bags. (beware of curious kids who walk around your house with a tack to see "what will happen" when you stab holes in chairs, floaties & zip-lock bags full of your precious soup stock)
What you do with it after that is up to you of course. I've taken to making totally random soups with no rhyme or reason. But the good thing about stock is as long as you have a good BASE you can build your flavors on top of it as simply or complex as you like & you'll have good results.
Well......that ended up being a long one. Of course the soup stock is just what I do! I'm sure some of you genius' probably have great tips & tricks of which I'd love to hear. Leave any good ideas in the comments, OK??
Ever learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth! Catch you soon.
yeah, i go there all the time by myself. I love it. The only thing is the sitting area is way too small.
TLC is gettig together. I know if anyones got a shot. Its YOU!!!!
I love you when you dance, in a freestyle trance, so pure such an expression.........
hm not sure what the above comment has to do with soup stock..but oooook lol.
I like this! Saving stock for later use long does it last in the fridge, or you have to freeze?
I make chicken soup (lasts about 4 successive meals so as to not waste) but after the 3rd meal we get pretty sickened. It entails throwing a whole entire chicken in a pot, water, garlic, dill and coriander(cilantro?) and a couple chicken stock cubes(HEHE), than load with spinach, zucchini etc...Since I don't like eating breast as is, later it's stripped down to a fresh salad.
The herbs you mentioned I never really try in soup so must try!
hee hee....I love it Anon! Made my morning. I feel like I'm ON the slide going from my house to Roppongi.
Lil, Ideally I'd want to use a whole chicken but I don't know if you remember how uncommon it is to findm' at the stores. I'd love to use cilantro & dill....sounds great (again more tough to find herbs & I don't growm) I just use the ones I have available to me. I keep stock in the freezer should keep for months if sealed right.
if I'm useing chicken carcasses I add right at the begining garlic a little fresh ginger and apple cider vinigar.
adding the vinigar at the begining means that two hours later it definetly tastes like wine, plus it take all the calcium out of the bones.
if done properly, when your pot cools it will be complete jelly not liquid.
healthy healthy..super tastey too
S.princess I want to try the vinegar sounds cool.
I'm contemplating ginger/garlic/cilantro & negi now if only I can get my hands on a whole chicken.
Great instructions! I just made chicken soup tonight & remembered to make soup stock in advance (for once). You should start a "For Dummies" series. I like flexible recipes that can be modified & come with basic instructions as well as appealing photos.
Oh so my comment didnt get deleted. You got that slide to ropponggi thing from me right, I dont think I posted it here...
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