Saturday, March 14, 2009

What's UP?

Hey ho, strangers! I've been busy as can be with my sisters in law & little niece visiting from LA. And before that my long lost friend visiting from Aussie-land. As you can imagine I've turned on all 3 burners full blast & have pretended that laundry is simply a bad re-occuring dream (that will soon burst out of my closet like some kind of stinky alien child with no form)

I've found myself making more Japanese food than I've made in a long time. I've realized that Japanese food is not particularly complicated or interesting to make, it just seems so basic, you know? But I do enjoy having a lot of great ingredients at my fingertips to put all the "authentic" touches to the meal. I'll tell you one thing though, there's nothing like having your fridge stuffed with a never ending supply of kimchi, umeboshi & pickles.

I don't think I'll be getting to post any recipes but I may throw up (doesn't sound right, does it?) a few pics from our visit when I get the chance. ENJOY yourself on this fine spring day, mate!

Going to the Airport.....
Off to the Zoo!
Night 2# Kimchi Nabe

Cousins Charlotte & Ban-tan

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